
Monstera Aurea


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This “plant” will come “bare root” meaning they will come outside of the 4″ pot and foam that the stems will be stuck into. This is to prevent damage to the paper plant and allow for the most secure packaging. Instructions are included in how to care for your plant and set it up.


Monstera Aurea For Sale

Buy Monstera Aurea (Monstera deliciosa), also known as a leaf of the vine or split-leaf philodendron, is a tropical plant native to Mexico and Central America. It is a member of the monstera family, which also includes the paw tree, ginseng, and heartleaf philodendron. The plant gets its name from its thick, irregularly shaped leaves, which when unfolded resemble the face of a monster.

monstera aurea cutting

Many of the plants in our homes have been passed down through families for decades. But nothing brings back memories like cutting a leaf from an heirloom plant. Particularly when it comes to monstera aurea.

What is monstera aurea?

Monstera aureas can be kept in a vase, but it’s best to grow them in a pot. During the spring and summer, keep their soil moist and feed them with slow-release fertilizer every two weeks. Water them once or twice a day, but avoid getting water on their leaves. Because of its brittle stem, be careful when moving a monstera; if you pick it up by the stem, wrap your hand in a cloth first. If you live in an area where nighttime temperatures drop below freezing, bring your monsteras inside for the winter to protect them from frost damage; keep their soil evenly moist until they begin growing again in spring.

Monstera aurea is a flowering plant species in the Araceae family. Monsteras are evergreen climbing vines that grow slowly and have glossy, heart-shaped leaves that are 12-30 cm long and 8-12 cm wide. They can grow to be up to 15 meters long (50 ft). The flowers appear in the spring and summer on an inflorescence of 2-6 orders, each with one to three stalked flowers. When they die, their bright orange fruits fall to the ground and last all winter. They are only available as houseplants or container plants because they cannot survive outdoors year-round in mild winter climates.

care tips for monstera aurea



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